News Archives


130 N Second St.
Chambersburg, PA 17201
717-263-5872 Tel
717-261-3296 Fax

Current Statistics

BLS Calls 3,169
Fire Calls 652
BLS Calls 4,351
Fire Calls 995
Fire Drills 7
Fire Prevention 40
Firehouse Tours 15
Public Displays 26
Attendance 6,989
Child Seat Installation 164
Smoke/CO Alarm Installation          590

Public Service Announcement - Chest Pains

Chambersburg Fire Department and the Emergency Health Services Federation want to remind our community that with fears of COVID-19, not to keep you from seeking medical help. Chest Pains and other cardiac problems can be life threatening and waiting could be the difference between life and death. Take steps to keep healthy and any signs of a medical emergency be sure to seek emergency care.