News Archives


130 N Second St.
Chambersburg, PA 17201
717-263-5872 Tel
717-261-3296 Fax

Current Statistics

BLS Calls 3,298
Fire Calls 1030 
BLS Calls 4,600
Fire Calls 880
Fire Drills 2
Fire Prevention 22
Firehouse Tours 0
Public Displays 13
Attendance 1,625
Child Seat Installation 69
Smoke/CO Alarm Installation          311

CO in a residence

Engine 1-2, Tower 1 and Ambulance 1-8 were sent to the 300 block of South Fourth St for a CO Activation. Units arrived and met with the occupants reporting their CO alarm activating in the kitchen area. Crews entered the residence with meters and found readings of 50 PPM of CO. Crews investigated the basement area to locate the source, finding the furnace not operating correctly. Crews secured the furnace and advised the occupants of having someone to evaluate it before operating again. The Borough Gas Dept assisted on the scene, along with Engine 1-1.