News Archives


130 N Second St.
Chambersburg, PA 17201
717-263-5872 Tel
717-261-3296 Fax

Current Statistics

BLS Calls 3,534
Fire Calls 727
BLS Calls 4,351
Fire Calls 995
Fire Drills 7
Fire Prevention 40
Firehouse Tours 15
Public Displays 26
Attendance 6,989
Child Seat Installation 164
Smoke/CO Alarm Installation          590

Odor Investigation

Company 1 and Truck 42 were alerted for an Inside Investigation of an unknown odor at Southgate Plaza. Asst. Chief 1 arrived on scene with the caller stating there was an unknown odor in two stores. Engine 1-4 and Truck 42 arrived beginning the investigation. Crews met with a demolition company that was working in another store area. Engine 1-1 arrived and began to meter the building, finding high levels of CO in the building. A portion of the shopping plaza was evacuated for a short time to allow for ventilation and additional metering of the property. Units remained on scene until all readings were at a safe level. PMCA and Squad 41 also assisted on the scene.