News Archives


130 N Second St.
Chambersburg, PA 17201
717-263-5872 Tel
717-261-3296 Fax

Current Statistics

BLS Calls 357
Fire Calls 95
BLS Calls 4,113
Fire Calls 978
Fire Drills 10
Fire Prevention 31
Firehouse Tours 19
Public Displays 15
Attendance 11,452
Child Seat Installation 59
Smoke/CO Alarm Installation          285

Valentine's Day in the Borough

While Engine 1-2 was operating on a working house fire in Greencastle's first due, the Truck and transfer crews handled three additional calls. The first call was to the Borough Electric Plant on Sheffler Drive. Due to the extremely cold temperatures, units arrived to find carbon monoxide in the building due to a faulty vent system. The building was naturally ventilated, and the scene turned over to workers. The next call was for a gas smell at Fran's Inn which crews determined was an outside smell and notified the Borough Gas Department. Units were then notified of an inside investigation of odor at 167 West King Street. Units arrived on scene to find a fire that had started on the outside of the building and ended up self-extinguishing. Minor overhaul was done, and crews cleared around 9:00 a.m.