News Archives


130 N Second St.
Chambersburg, PA 17201
717-263-5872 Tel
717-261-3296 Fax

Current Statistics

BLS Calls 3,910
Fire Calls 841
BLS Calls 4,167
Fire Calls 1,044
Fire Drills 9
Fire Prevention 48
Firehouse Tours 15
Public Displays 20
Attendance 7,831
Child Seat Installation 81
Smoke/CO Alarm Installation          286

Fire at the Old Cold Storage

Photos courtesy of Denny Clopper.

After multiple fires throughout the Borough in the previous week, B and C shifts were sent out the door at shift change to 1335 South Fourth Street for a possible building fire. Crews arrived to find fire throughout the loading dock area and on the first floor of the addition. Master streams were placed do to the amount of fire. Once extinguished, crews carefully made their way to the second floor of the addition where they encountered fire conditions. Due to high furniture volume and cork-lined walls in the previous cold storage, the fire quickly spread and some difficulty occurred bringing it under control. Crews remained on scene for three hours before being released by command.