News Archives


130 N Second St.
Chambersburg, PA 17201
717-263-5872 Tel
717-261-3296 Fax

Current Statistics

BLS Calls 1,642
Fire Calls 360 
BLS Calls 4,600
Fire Calls 880
Fire Drills 2
Fire Prevention 22
Firehouse Tours 0
Public Displays 13
Attendance 1,625
Child Seat Installation 69
Smoke/CO Alarm Installation          311

Garage Fire

On Tuesday August 9, shortly after noon the Chambersburg Fire Department was alerted for a reported garage fire in the 200 block of North Main Street. As the Fire Chief exited the station he was able to confirm a working fire. Crews arrived within one minute of dispatch and upon arrival, crews encountered a two bay garage fully involved with multiple exposure issues.

Crews deployed handlines to the garage as well as to extinguish cars that were on fire due to the radiant heat. The garage was a total loss as well as nine vehicles that were on fire as well.

Crews cleared shortly after 2 PM.

First Photo
CFD (watermarked)

Remaining photos courtesy of Clopper Photography