News Archives


130 N Second St.
Chambersburg, PA 17201
717-263-5872 Tel
717-261-3296 Fax

Current Statistics

BLS Calls 1,824
Fire Calls 556 
BLS Calls 4,600
Fire Calls 880
Fire Drills 2
Fire Prevention 22
Firehouse Tours 0
Public Displays 13
Attendance 1,625
Child Seat Installation 69
Smoke/CO Alarm Installation          311

Tree down causes vehicle accident

As storms rolled through the Chambersburg area, CFD units were alerted for a land rescue at the intersection of Edgar Ave and College Ave. As units were responding, information was provided of a tree down on a vehicle with people inside, with a vehicle accident with entrapment at the same location. Asst Chief 1 arrived finding a large tree down blocking College Ave and a two vehicle accident just east of the intersection. Engine 1-1 arrived and began to assess both vehicles and the area of the tree down. Crews from Ambulance 1-7 and 1-8 assessed and transported the occupants of the vehicles to local hospitals. Engine 1-2 arrived and assisted with blocking off the area before responding to another incident. CFD and CPD units blocked off the area until the arrival of PennDot and the Borough Road Crews. Crews operated for an hour and a half before clearing.