News Archives


130 N Second St.
Chambersburg, PA 17201
717-263-5872 Tel
717-261-3296 Fax

Current Statistics

BLS Calls 2,265
Fire Calls 511
BLS Calls 4,302
Fire Calls 878
Fire Drills 2
Fire Prevention 22
Firehouse Tours 0
Public Displays 13
Attendance 1,625
Child Seat Installation 69
Smoke/CO Alarm Installation          311

Reported House Fire

Company 1 units and mutual aid were alerted for reports of a House Fire in the 100 block of West Catherine Street. Chief 1 and Tower 1 arrived finding normal conditions from the outside of the residence. After investigating, crews found no fire. Command 1 (Chief Ulrich) returned all units after about 30 minutes