> How do I call for help in an emergency?
Dial 911 and state your name, address, type of emergency and location along with the number you are calling from.
> What is an ambulance club and how can I become a member?
There is one ambulance club covering both the Borough's basic life support (BLS) service for non-life threatening emergencies, and West Shore's advanced life support (ALS) service for life threatening emergencies. Depending on the nature of the emergency, BLS and ALS may respond jointly or independently. For a fee of $80.00 annually, all permanent residents in your household can receive unlimited Emergency BLS and ALS medical services. Subscription notices are mailed to households in our service area generally around the first of November. If you need a club subscription form or additional information, please contact the Ambulance Billing and Subscription Office at 717-251-2428.
> How do I become a volunteer for the Chambersburg Fire Department?
Choose the Forms and Applications link and select Active Volunteer Membership Requirements for complete details.
> What training do I need to become a volunteer for the Chambersburg Fire Department?
None, we will provide all the training, and equipment that you will need.
> How do I get a copy of a fire report?
Choose the Forms and Applications link and select the Right-to-Know Request Form for complete details.
> What permits are required in the Borough?
Choose the Forms and Applications link for complete permit information.
> How do I get my child safety seat checked?
Contact Headquarters' Station at 263-5872 to schedule an appointment. A complete brochure is located under the Forms and Applications link.
> Am I required to have smoke detectors in my home?
Yes, the Borough fire and code requires one on every level of your home.
> How often should I change the batteries in my smoke detector and test it?
You should test your smoke detector once a month. The batteries should be changed twice a year. A good way to remember this is to do it when you set your clock forward and backward or on Christmas Day and Independence Day.
> Can I use kerosene heaters in my home?
The Borough and fire code does not permit the use of these heaters.
> What are grilling requirements?
308.1 General. Open flame, fire and burning on all premises
shall be in accordance with Sections 308.1.1 through 308.4.1
and with other applicable sections of this code.
308.1.1 Where prohibited. A person shall not take or utilize
an open flame or light in a structure, vessel, boat or other
place where highly flammable, combustible or explosive
material is utilized or stored. Lighting appliances shall be
well-secured in a glass globe and wire mesh cage or a similar
approved device.
308.1.2 Throwing or placing sources of ignition. No person
shall throw or place, or cause to be thrown or placed, a
lighted match, cigar, cigarette, matches, or other flaming or
glowing substance or object on any surface or article where
it can cause an unwanted fire.
308.1.4 Open-flame cooking devices. Charcoal burners
and other open-flame cooking devices shall not be operated
on combustible balconies or within 10 feet (3048 mm) of
combustible construction.
1. One- and two-family dwellings.
2. Where buildings, balconies and decks are protected
by an automatic sprinkler system.
3. LP-gas cooking devices having LP-gas container
with a water capacity not greater than 21/2 pounds
[nominal 1 pound (0.454 kg) LP-gas capacity].
> Does the department have a public speaker’s bureau?
Yes, it does. Please visit our Fire Prevention page for complete details.
> How does HIPAA regulation apply to the Chambersburg Fire Department?
Please visit the Borough's page on HIPAA Regulations.
> What if I can't find answers to my questions here?
For non-emergency questions, you can get in touch through our Contacts page.