News Archives


130 N Second St.
Chambersburg, PA 17201
717-263-5872 Tel
717-261-3296 Fax

Current Statistics

BLS Calls 1197
Fire Calls 311
BLS Calls 4,939
Fire Calls 1341
Fire Safety Inspections 672
Fire Drills 9
Station Tours 11
Public Education events 46
Attendance 4,973
Child Seat Installation 148
Smoke Alarm Installation          437
CO Alarm Installations 181
Total homes visited for alarms 127
Street Signs Provided 10
HAAS Alert Drivers Notified 32,221
2023 Unit Totals
 HQ Ambulance 4,649
 Mck Ambulance 290
 Engine 1-1 796
 Engine 1-2 605
 Engine 1-4 30
 Tower 1 419
 Utility 1 4
 UTV 1 9

Run away tractor trailer on Nitterhouse Dr.

Engine 1-2 and Ambulance 1-7 were sent to the 1400 block of Nitterhouse Dr for a reported vehicle accident. Engine 1-2 and Asst. Chief 1 arrived, locating a tractor trailer in a parking lot. The tractor trailer rolled away from the dock causing it to pop over a curb and come to rest on its fuel tanks. Wrecker 51 (Dave's Truck Repair) and County EMA were requested to the scene to assist. No injuries were reported and crews stabilized the vehicle while completing an assessment of damage. Wrecker 51 arrived and was assisted by the trucking company's wrecker in lifting the truck to be able to get it over the surb. A small amount of diesel fuel had leaked onto the ground, which was mitigated. Crews operated for about an hour and 40 minutes before going available.